Highlight different types of messages with styles based on the context.

Syntax #

{{< hint >}}
{{< /hint >}}

Options #

  • Get 0: Alert style. Valid values: `info`, `success`, `danger`, `warning` (optional)

Example #

{{< hint >}}
Message with normal information, without styles
{{< /hint >}}
Message with normal information, without styles
{{< hint "info" >}}
Message with advice or data-style information
{{< /hint >}}
Message with advice or data-style information
{{< hint "success" >}}
Message to indicate good actions or accomplishments
{{< /hint >}}
Message to indicate good actions or accomplishments
{{< hint "warning" >}}
Warning message or attention required
{{< /hint >}}
Warning message or attention required
{{< hint "danger" >}}
Error message or actions that require caution
{{< /hint >}}
Error message or actions that require caution